Selasa, 22 Maret 2016



phonetics is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech,or in the case of sign languages the equivalent aspects of sign. it is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds    or signs phonetics : their physiological production, acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neurophysiological status. phonology on the other hand, is concerned with the abstract, grammatical characterization of systems of sounds or signs. The field of phonetics is a multiple layered subject of linguistics that focuses on speech. In the case of oral languages there are three basic areas of study :
·       Articulatory phonetics :  the study of the production of speech  sounds by  the articulatory  and vocal tract by the speaker
·       Acoustic phonetics     :  the study of the physical transmission of speech sounds from the speaker to the listener
·       Auditory Phonetics    :  the study of the reception and perception of  speech sounds by the Listener.

1.  The production of sounds
  • Air-stream mechanisms
The process of sound production
Air-steam Mechanisms

  • Articulatory Organs 

The Articulatory Organs

  •  Larynx Functions 

2.  The categorization and Description of sounds

3.  The Articulatory and Acoustic, parameters of segmentals in English

           -   Consonant Sounds   
Consonant sounds are sounds where there is an narrowing or closure of the air-stream in the vocal tract,causing,local audible friction or obtrusion before the air escapes.  
           -  Place of Articulation           
The place of articulation are normally considered from the front of the mouth to the back of the mouth.
  1. Bilabial - both lips come together,as in /p/b/m/.          
  2. Labiodental- lower lip moves towards the upper teeth ,as in /f/v/.
  3. Dental- tongue tip moves towards the upper teeth ridge
  4. Alveolar- tongue tip moves towards the teeth ridge,as in/t/d/.
  5. Palato-alveolar-tongue blade moves towards the teeth-ridge,with the main body of the tongue raised towards the hard palate.
  6. Palatal- tongue centre moves towards or is raised towards the hard palate ,as in,/j/r/.
  7. Velar - tongue back is raised towards the soft palate(velum) as in,/k/g/
  8. Glottal - vocal cords open and close according to the air-stream, as in/h/.   
-Manner of Articulation 
the manners of articulation correspond to the combination of tongue movement and articulation,with the corresponding effect on the air-streams coming out of the mouth and nose for nasal sounds. the basic manners of articulation are : 
  1. Plosives 
  2. Nasals
  3. Fricatives Affricates 
  4. Lateral 
  5. Mivowels 
- Vowel Sounds
- Tongue Movement 
- Height of Tongue 
-   Lip Shape
-  Cardinal-Vowels
English Vowels
 -  English Diphtongs
- English Triphtongs 

A Linguistics Primer for Malaysians   

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