Senin, 02 Mei 2016


Good day readers.....Tetap semangat yah buat hari-harinya dan semangat juga buat baca blog saya ini heheheheheh,disini saya aja menjelaskan tentang Modals namun hanya yang Would and would rather kalau misalnya mau nanya yang lain comment aja yah :) huhuhuhu......

Modals, Part 2 

10-6  Using Would To Express a Repeated Action in the Past
 ( penggunaan Would untuk mengungkapkan sebuah tindakan di masa lalu)
   (a)  When I was a child, my father would read me a story at night before bedtime.
   (b)  When I was a child, my father used to read me a story before bedtime.    
Would can be used to express an action that was repeated regularly in the past. When would is used to express this idea, it has same meanng as used to(habitual past)
   (a)  And (b) have the same meaning
   (c)   I used to live in California.
He used to be a Boy scout
The use to have a Ford .
Used to express an habitual situation that existed in the past, as in (c). in this case, would may not be used as an alternative. Would is used only for regularly repeated actions in the past.  

Modal Auxiliary Would digunakan untuk menyatakan : 

1  .    Bentuk past dari will yang berarti”akan”
Example : she knows that it would be pleasant in Jambi

2  .    Digunakan untuk suatu permohonan/permintaan dengan secara sopan
Examples : would you help me please? 

3  .    Jika digabung dengan kata Like menujukan hasrat atau keinginan
Example : I would like to eat 

4  .   Jika digabung dengan kata “Rather” menunjukan arti lebih suka (prefer)  
Example : I would rather be a good doctor than a president  

Latihan 1.
1.    I (be)…….very shy. Whenever a stranger came to our house, I (hide)……in the closet.
Ø  I used to be very shy. Whenever a stranger came to our house, I would hide in a closet.

Note : (berarti disini kita menggunakan Used to pada bagian pertama dan would hide bagian kedua).
2.    When my brother live in Medan, he (send)……me a book twice a month.
Ø  When my brother live in Medan , he would send me a book twice a month.
 Note : (kita dapat menggunakan Would)

10-7   Expressing Preference : Would Rather
(mengekpresikan refrensi Would rather, atau lebih suka).

   (a)  I would rather go to a movie tonight than study grammar.
   (b)  I’d rather study history than (study) biology.
   (c)   I would rather watch a Korea movie than Indonesia
Would rather express preference
In (a) notice that the simple form of a verb follows both would rather and than
In (b) if the verb is the same , it usually is not repeated after than.
-       How much do you weigh?
   (d)  I’d rather not tell you
Contraction : I would = I’d
Negative form : would rather+not
   (e)   The movie was okay, but I would rather have gone to the concert last night.

   (f)   I’d rather be lying on a beach in India than (be) sitting in class right now.
The past form : would rather have+past participle

Progressive form : would rather + be+ -ing

Note :  
Would = akan
(+)  S+ (would + infinitive) + O + C
(-)  S+ (wouldn’t + infinitive) + O + C
(?) would + S + infinitive + O + C

Would and use to itu mempunyai tujuan yang sama

Would Rather = Lebih suka
S + would rather + infinitive……than.....

Ok guys... I Think it is All from me
Thank you, bye bye bye.... 



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