Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016


Hello Everybody.....

I will share some of definition from LITERATURE Accourding to Experts, before I share to you I will say Thank you somuch to Mr Buddi Anto Hamuddin.

  • Ade and Okunoye(2008) Literature is thus summed up as permanent expressions in words (written or spoken ) specially arranged in pleasing accepted patterns of forms.
  • Coll ins English dictionary , literature is written material such as poetry,novels,essays, exc, expecially works of imagination characterized by exxellence of style and expression and by themes of general of during interest. 
  • Rees (1973) Literature is a permanent expression of words that you have in mind or feelings about life and the world.
  • Moody (1987) Literature is that comes from our love to tell a story, make up the words with a very neat.
  • Ala Glosary of library and information science (1983) Literature is reading material that is used in a variety of activities both intellectually and recreation.
  • Roman Jakobson Literure is organized violence commited on ordinary speech.
  • G.K chesterton Literature is a luxury fiction is a necessity 
  • Bressler (1994) Literature as work of imaginative or creative writting.
  • Aritoteles , Literature as other activities through religion, science and philosophy.
  • Robert Scholes, Of course, literature that is a word, not an object.

Conclution  : 

Literature can be interpreted as a source or reference that is used in a wide variety of activities, literature is also a result of thinking and can be either written or oral. 

Reference  : 


I think that's all....
Thank You for reading my blog :) 



Prosa adalah suatu jenis tulisan yang dibedakan dengan puisi karena variasi ritme yang dimilikinya lebih besar, serta bahasanya yang lebih sesuai dengan arti leksikalnya. Kata prosa berasal dari bahasa Latin "prosa" yang artinya "terus terang".
Prose is the most typical form of language and it is derived from the Latin word prosa which literally means 'straight-forward.' It is like talking to someone in a straight- forward manner and not in a sing-song or poetic way. This means that anything you say or write in prose is presented in a straight- forward manner. For instance, this course material is presented in prose. There are many views on the construction of prose but the summary of these views is that it has a simple and loosely defined structure. There is usually no effort to present prose in any particular or special structure. This lack of forma
l structure makes it to be adopted as the general mode of communication in many formal and informal presentations like the spoken dialogue, speeches, factual, topical and fictionalwriting. This means that most of the books you read are presented in prose and that you also talk in prose form. Prose is made up of complete sentences which constitute paragraphs in a narrative form. Prose reflects the pattern of everyday speech. If words are not presented in prose, they are presented in poetry or verse form that adheres to aparticular metric form and definite structure. Poetry has a more systematic form of pre
sentation than prose. However, in prose the writer does not just present words whether theymake sense or not. Words in prose are
arranged in correct sentences and in a logical sequence for a meaningful understanding of the intended communication

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